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Asora Test-type:01 Sold out!

Asora has officially sold out. We want to thank everyone for the support and kind words through out the last few months. It's been incredible to say the least.

This was something I've been working on for so long. Wanting to design the website, do the art, logo, packaging, design the yoyo, create a theme, story, and feel to the yoyo in order to present it to you in the best way I can. It was all stuff I had envisioned in my mind over years of brainstorming. However, I also didn't want to wait too long to try and be "perfect" with the company. I understand there's going to be a lot of changes a long the way and what was important to me was that we launched the company, sold a yoyo, and got our feet moving.

I have been neglecting updating the Blog, so there will be a lot to go over. I want to split up some of my thoughts into blog posts, but they all pertain to the last few months. I thank you for taking the time to read through these long winded blog posts. But I feel it's necessary to help stay transparent - I also really enjoy this sort of "Diary" format to letting my thoughts out. Instagram feels so confined, so restricted, I really don't like it for expressing my thoughts.

I'm personally a very introverted person - though I wasn't always this way. I didn't socialize much previous to attending DXL and still don't. So I would like to use the Blog as a way to be able to sort of "talk to people" without having to directly talk to anyone. It's comforting, and feels what works best for me.

Thank you everyone, please take a chance to read the next few blog posts if you're interested!

Here's pictures that I've got from everyone that picked one up! If you have a picture and want to send it to me, hit my instagram/yye/discord "nobotik/suspense/nobotik"


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